Quebec's sustainable finance roadmap, which Finance Montréal has been mandated to develop by the government of Quebec, will enrich Quebec’s vision for its financial future, integrating sustainability concepts in a concerted and structured manner. The roadmap will present a series of strategic measures aimed at strengthening Quebec's leadership position in this field, by fostering innovation, stimulating responsible investment and encouraging transparency and accountability.
In December 2022, on the occasion of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), the Québec government announced the launch of the Québec Sustainable Finance Roadmap.
Carried out with the support of Finance Montréal, this ambitious initiative testifies to Quebec's leadership in environmental matters and its commitment to building a greener economy. Quebec will be the first province in Canada and one of the first jurisdictions in North America to have such a roadmap. This essential initiative will enable Quebec to mobilize and coordinate various public, private and academic players, prioritize promising measures and coordinate actions that will accelerate the transition to a sustainable and responsible financial sector.
The project is planned to take place in three main phases:
1. Taking stock of the situation
2. Roadmap development
3. Implementation strategy
Quebec's sustainable finance roadmap is anchored in the sustainable finance workstream of the Government Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) and is part of the Ministère des Finances' Sustainable Development Action Plan 2023-2028. It will enable the government of Quebec to properly assess the actions required to accelerate the scope of sustainable finance in Quebec, and to develop Quebec's expertise and leadership in the field to position the province at the international forefront of sustainable finance.
Developing a roadmap for sustainable finance in Quebec will require the involvement of various stakeholders from the public, academic and private sectors.
Government coordination of the work is ensured jointly by the Ministère des Finances du Québec (MFQ) and the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).
The work is carried out by an advisory committee, co-chaired by the MFQ, the MELCCFP and Finance Montréal. Compliance with the mission and deadlines, the secretariat and the coordination of this committee are ensured by Finance Montréal. Sub-committees covering four key themes have also been added based on the issues and needs identified by the advisory committee.
The final report, which will set out the findings of these discussions and work as well as the recommendations and actions to be implemented to promote sustainable finance initiatives in Quebec, will be submitted to the government in December 2024.
In early 2024, a call for applications was launched by the steering committee and Finance Montréal to create an advisory committee of professionals committed to the work of the roadmap. It is now complete and consulted periodically.
To learn more about the role of the advisory committee and its composition, click here.
Quebec's sustainable finance roadmap is an initiative of the government of Quebec, coordinated by Finance Montréal, Quebec's financial services industry cluster.
On June 18, we hosted an OFF event of the Sustainable Finance Summit to share progress on the Sustainable Finance Roadmap, with working groups' representatives. Watch the replay of the event "Les piliers d'une feuille de route ambitieuse pour le Québec" (French only) here:
In order to involve all stakeholders in the Quebec financial sector and civil society and ensure a transition to a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy, we opened a consultation survey to gather your opinions. We thank all those who took the time to share their ideas, they will be taken into account in future consultations.